Ep. 10 | American On The World Stage

Rating: Made For Kids

"Charge!" America is moving on the world stage. Liberty the Eagle takes us to the Spanish American War as America helps free a colony of Spain and becomes a world leader. Teddy Roosevelt, his Rough Riders and Buffalo Soldiers win the day.

Little Patriots

Ep. 10 | American On The World Stage | FaithChannel "Charge!" America is moving on the world stage. Liberty the Eagle takes us to the Spanish American War as America helps free a colony of Spain and becomes a world leader. Teddy Roosevelt, his Rough Riders and Buffalo Soldiers win the day.

Star Spangled Adventures | Season 1

Ep. 1 | Early America
Little Patriots
Ep. 1 | Early America

Ep. 2 | The First Thanksgiving
Little Patriots
Ep. 2 | The First Thanksgiving

Ep. 3 | The Boston Tea Party
Little Patriots
Ep. 3 | The Boston Tea Party

Ep. 4 | The Declaration of Independence
Little Patriots
Ep. 4 | The Declaration of Independence

Ep. 5 | Crossing The Delaware
Little Patriots
Ep. 5 | Crossing The Delaware

Ep. 6 | The Constitutional Convention
Little Patriots
Ep. 6 | The Constitutional Convention

Ep. 7 | Americas First President
Little Patriots
Ep. 7 | America's First President

Ep. 8 | The National Anthem
Little Patriots
Ep. 8 | The National Anthem

Ep. 9 | Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea
Little Patriots
Ep. 9 | Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea

Ep. 10 | American On The World Stage
Little Patriots
Ep. 10 | American On The World Stage

Ep. 11 | Our American Heroes
Little Patriots
Ep. 11 | Our American Heroes

Ep. 12 | Lincolns Legacy
Little Patriots
Ep. 12 | Lincoln's Legacy

Ep. 13 | The Underground Railroad
Little Patriots
Ep. 13 | The Underground Railroad

Ep. 14 | The End of Slavery
Little Patriots
Ep. 14 | The End of Slavery

Ep. 15 | Jackie Robinson
Little Patriots
Ep. 15 | Jackie Robinson

Ep. 16 | Ruby Bridges
Little Patriots
Ep. 16 | Ruby Bridges

Ep. 17 | Equality For Women
Little Patriots
Ep. 17 | Equality For Women

Ep. 18 | Fultons Steamboat
Little Patriots
Ep. 18 | Fulton's Steamboat

Ep. 19 | Thomas Edison
Little Patriots
Ep. 19 | Thomas Edison

Ep. 20 | Booker T. Washington
Little Patriots
Ep. 20 | Booker T. Washington

Ep. 21 | Ellis Island
Little Patriots
Ep. 21 | Ellis Island

Ep. 22 | The Wright Brothers
Little Patriots
Ep. 22 | The Wright Brothers

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