Continental "Drift" or "Sprint" During Noah's Flood?

Rating: All Ages

Natural history museums have displays and animations that try to make the case that the continents were once joined in a formation called Pangea and then slowly moved apart to their current locations over tens of millions of years. While it’s actually quite obvious that the continents were in fact together at one time, evidence suggests that they were split apart rapidly—even within just one year—during the Flood of Noah’s time. This video explains how.

Genesis Apologetics

Continental "Drift" or "Sprint" During Noah's Flood? | FaithChannel Natural history museums have displays and animations that try to make the case that the continents were once joined in a formation called Pangea and then slowly moved apart to their current locations over tens of millions of years. While it’s actually quite obvious that the continents were in fact together at one time, evidence suggests that they were split apart rapidly—even within just one year—during the Flood of Noah’s time. This video explains how.

Noah's Flood

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Genesis Apologetics
Noah's Flood vs the Epic of Gilgamesh

Continental "Drift" or "Sprint" During Noahs Flood?
Genesis Apologetics
Continental "Drift" or "Sprint" During Noah's Flood?

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Noah's Flood: How it Happened

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