Rating: All Ages

Narrator: Matthew & Paul

Primary Scriptures: Matthew 13-20

Story Summary: Miscellaneous chapters in Matthew Location: Kingdom of Judea (Israel)

Time: Circa 30 AD

Suggested Memory Scriptures: Matthew 13:17, 22, 35, 58; 16:16-18, 24-26; 17:20; 19:17, 2112

As noted in other study guides, the majority of the verses in Matthew are found in Luke and Mark. The primary scriptures for this section are Matthew 13-20. Of those chapters, the main scriptures not found in Luke or Mark are:

• Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Parable of the weeds and its explanation
• Matthew 13:33 Parable of the yeast
• Matthew 13:44-53 Parables of the hidden treasure, pearl, net, and house owner
• Matthew 14:28-31 Peter walking on the water
• Matthew 16:17-19 Jesus giving Peter the keys to the kingdom
• Matthew 17:20 Faith as small as a mustard seed
• Matthew 17:24-27 Payment of the Temple tax
• Matthew 18:12-35 Parable of lost sheep, forgiveness of sinning brother
• Matthew 20:1-16 Parable of landowner’s payments to his workers

Matthew was with Jesus during his ministry, but Mark and Luke were not. Matthew gives us unique information on nine parables, three subjects, and two instances regarding Peter.

You might come to two other conclusions. These are exactly the sorts of stories and information you would expect to hear from an eyewitness. And, the fact that Matthew agrees with Luke and Mark on so many other passages lends credibility to those too.

The parable of the lost sheep is an example of understanding context. Jesus told the parable while explaining the value of a child. Children in the Roman world had little value and no legal standing, so Jesus used them as an example of people who are spiritually helpless and dependent. Also, when he says a man owned a hundred sheep, the crowd would be amazed. Anyone owning that many sheep was incredibly wealthy. The loss of one would be negligible.

Jesus indicates that God, who is immeasurably wealthy, considers every person to be invaluable. So valuable, that God is not willing that any of his spiritual children is lost.

Eyewitness Bible Series

Eyewitness Bible

Ep. #05 "SERMON ON THE MOUNT PART 2" [Series: THE THREE GOSPELS] | FaithChannel Narrator: Matthew & Paul Primary Scriptures: Matthew 13-20 Story Summary: Miscellaneous chapters in Matthew Location: Kingdom of Judea (Israel) Time: Circa 30 AD Suggested Memory Scriptures: Matthew 13:17, 22, 35, 58; 16:16-18, 24-26; 17:20; 19:17, 2112 As noted in other study guides, the majority of the verses in Matthew are found in Luke and Mark. The primary scriptures for this section are Matthew 13-20. Of those chapters, the main scriptures not found in Luke or Mark are: • Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Parable of the weeds and its explanation • Matthew 13:33 Parable of the yeast • Matthew 13:44-53 Parables of the hidden treasure, pearl, net, and house owner • Matthew 14:28-31 Peter walking on the water • Matthew 16:17-19 Jesus giving Peter the keys to the kingdom • Matthew 17:20 Faith as small as a mustard seed • Matthew 17:24-27 Payment of the Temple tax • Matthew 18:12-35 Parable of lost sheep, forgiveness of sinning brother • Matthew 20:1-16 Parable of landowner’s payments to his workers Matthew was with Jesus during his ministry, but Mark and Luke were not. Matthew gives us unique information on nine parables, three subjects, and two instances regarding Peter. You might come to two other conclusions. These are exactly the sorts of stories and information you would expect to hear from an eyewitness. And, the fact that Matthew agrees with Luke and Mark on so many other passages lends credibility to those too. The parable of the lost sheep is an example of understanding context. Jesus told the parable while explaining the value of a child. Children in the Roman world had little value and no legal standing, so Jesus used them as an example of people who are spiritually helpless and dependent. Also, when he says a man owned a hundred sheep, the crowd would be amazed. Anyone owning that many sheep was incredibly wealthy. The loss of one would be negligible. Jesus indicates that God, who is immeasurably wealthy, considers every person to be invaluable. So valuable, that God is not willing that any of his spiritual children is lost. Eyewitness Bible Series

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