Sheltered Trailer

Rating: All Ages

Darren Culling may be losing his mind.
After years of being manipulated by what he is seeing, hearing and reading in the media, Darren has decided to leave society and live off the grid.
He seems to have lost all hope, despite the ember of Faith that still burns inside him and continues to nag at him.
While in his remote, secluded “Bunker-Cabin” in the middle of nowhere, Darren encounters an unconscious woman in the woods. Despite his apprehension and paranoia, his underlying good nature and “Good Samaritan” mentality take over and he takes Alyssa Cole in and nurses her back to health. His fear and distrust of people makes for a contentious stay, and his paranoia and, what is left of his, Faith will be put to the test.
Darren thinks he knows everything that is going on in the world. But the one thing he doesn’t know is… The Truth.

Rossetti Productions

Sheltered Trailer | FaithChannel Darren Culling may be losing his mind. After years of being manipulated by what he is seeing, hearing and reading in the media, Darren has decided to leave society and live off the grid. He seems to have lost all hope, despite the ember of Faith that still burns inside him and continues to nag at him. While in his remote, secluded “Bunker-Cabin” in the middle of nowhere, Darren encounters an unconscious woman in the woods. Despite his apprehension and paranoia, his underlying good nature and “Good Samaritan” mentality take over and he takes Alyssa Cole in and nurses her back to health. His fear and distrust of people makes for a contentious stay, and his paranoia and, what is left of his, Faith will be put to the test. Darren thinks he knows everything that is going on in the world. But the one thing he doesn’t know is… The Truth.

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