Pressing Faith

Rating: All Ages

In this sermon, we delve into Philippians 3:10-14 to understand the concept of "Pressing Faith." Discover how Paul’s determination to know Christ and participate in His sufferings can inspire us to endure life's challenges. Learn how faith, endurance, and the right perspective can transform our struggles into spiritual growth. Join us as we explore how pressing on towards the goal of knowing Christ changes the way we handle life's pressures.

George Davis

Pressing Faith | FaithChannel In this sermon, we delve into Philippians 3:10-14 to understand the concept of "Pressing Faith." Discover how Paul’s determination to know Christ and participate in His sufferings can inspire us to endure life's challenges. Learn how faith, endurance, and the right perspective can transform our struggles into spiritual growth. Join us as we explore how pressing on towards the goal of knowing Christ changes the way we handle life's pressures.

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