WHOA That's Good Podcast

The "WHOA That's Good" podcast welcomes you into meaningful conversations with authors, athletes, musicians, speakers, and stars of film and television in search of the answer to just one question: What is the best advice you have ever been given? Hosted by Sadie Robertson, best-selling author, founder of Live Original, and star of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" & season 19 of ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," this fun and lighthearted podcast is sure to leave you saying, "WHOA That's Good!"

Is It Really a Dating Dealbreaker or Am I Being Too Picky? | Sadie Robertson Huff | Ben & Donna Stuart

Wed, 19 Mar 2025 05:00:00 -0000
Ben likes to run, and Donna doesn't, but if he had made that the issue while they were dating, they wouldn't be married today! He learned that he didn't *really* care about his girlfriend loving to run like he did, so it wasn't a dealbreaker! Ben Stuart's book, "Single, Engaged, Dating, Married," played an important part in the beginning of Sadie and Christian's dating relationship. Today, Ben and his wife, Donna, join Sadie to talk about all things singleness, how they started dating, how you know if the person you're dating is "the one," and why, in a new update of the book, Ben included a chapter on breaking up. Sadie talks about a defining moment for her when she fully intended to break up with Christian and how his reaction and statement completely changed her heart—she went from wanting to break up to wanting to marry him. Donna and Ben both share about their time apart when Ben asked for a pause and a letter-writing part for their relationship—and what that eventually proved to them both about the other. If you're in any of these phases, you won't want to miss this encouraging conversation about godly ways to approach finding a spouse. This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a lululemon Exclusive Everywhere Belt Bag and AG1 Welcome Kit, with your first subscription, while supplies last with your lululemon membership. https://liberty.edu/Sadie — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! https://drinklmnt.com/whoa — Get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Confessing My Deepest Struggles to My Friends | Sadie Robertson Huff

Mon, 17 Mar 2025 05:00:00 -0000
Sadie's "Confession Hour" is a new practice that she treasures and has discussed in several episodes. Today, she's joined by some of her closest friends — Freddie, Elyse, Lydia, and Grace — who make up this special "Confession Hour" group. Sadie opens up about why confessing to her friends has been such a game-changer in so many ways, and she shares how fear kept her from doing this for so long. If you're wondering how to cultivate deeper, more authentic friendships and relationships, it might be time to start regularly confessing to one another! Not only is this a biblical practice, but it will also help you love and be loved for exactly who you are, enabling you to walk in freedom without shame while glorifying God!  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! https://fastgrowingtrees.com/whoa — Get 15% off your first purchase with code WHOA at checkout! https://hiyahealth.com/WHOA — Get 50% off your first order today! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

John Crist: From Rock Bottom to Recovery | Sadie Robertson Huff

Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:00:00 -0000
Comedian John Crist joins Sadie in studio for a heart-to-heart, but first, he wants to know why Sadie left him on "read" for 7 years! Sadie asks John how he got started in comedy and where the line is with the jokes he tells. John recently celebrated five years sober, and he opens up about his rock bottom moment, when the whole world knew all about his mistakes, and how he's so glad he's on the other side of it now — walking in freedom, with restored relationships and authenticity. And does John have any jokes about Sadie? You bet he does! Watch John's comedy special "Emotional Support" on YouTube.  https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a lululemon Exclusive Everywhere Belt Bag and AG1 Welcome Kit, with your first subscription, while supplies last with your lululemon membership. https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! https://www.12vc.com/sister — Join the 12 Verse Challenge and help fund 12 Verses of Scripture a year for people who have little to no access to Scripture! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

I Was Burned Out & Needed Help! | Sadie Robertson Huff & Pete Richardson

Wed, 05 Mar 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie sits down with her friend and life coach, Pete Richardson — Co-Founder of the Paterson Center — to talk about the time in her life when she was burned out and needed some help - fast! Sadie and Christian took part in a life plan strategy session with Pete that was "surgery for the soul" but helped them identify their blind spots, how to say "no" to things even when they're good, and how to pursue God in all aspects of their life in a purposeful and intentional way. Pete shares what he's learned about leading more than 1,000 clients through a life plan session and reminds us to think about what it means for us, as humans, to be made in the image of God.  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://helixsleep.com/sadie — Get 20% off sitewide today! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a lululemon Exclusive Everywhere Belt Bag and AG1 Welcome Kit, with your first subscription, while supplies last with your lululemon membership. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

A Messy Conversation on Finding Your Identity | Sadie, Christian & Korie

Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Where are you finding your identity? And what do you actually value? Sadie is joined by her mom, Korie, and her husband, Christian, to talk about finding our identity. Christian shares his perspective on something we idolize versus something in which we find our identity — are they the same or different? Korie and Sadie explore the notion of identity and wonder if this is more a Western culture question; plus the bigger questions about our online identities versus what's true in our real lives. Then a biblical look at the danger of finding our identity in anything that is temporary, rather than knowing and trusting God and His Word as the ultimate identity for any believer.  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://fastgrowingtrees.com/whoa — Get 15% off your first purchase with code WHOA at checkout! https://thechosenlastsupper.com — Preorder your tickets for the 3-part theatrical release today! https://covenanteyes.com/sadie — Visit the website to earn more and start your journey toward a healthier, stronger marriage today. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Our Wedding Day Regrets & Our Crazy Date Nights | Sadie & Christian

Wed, 26 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie and Christian are diving into the DMs and answering a bunch of your questions including: Do they have any regrets from their wedding day — would they do anything differently? And what's the story behind that hot pink vest Sadie wore in a certain ad you've probably seen all over social media? What are Sadie and Christian's date nights like right now? What's a typical evening in the Huff house look like? Does Sadie want to go on Dancing with the Stars again? Plus, what's it like filming the new TV show in a very different stage of life? This is a fun one, don't miss a minute of it ... including an unfortunately timed nose burp. Yes, you read that right.  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://covenanteyes.com/sadie — Visit the website to learn more and start your journey toward a healthier, stronger marriage today. https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Get a lululemon Exclusive Everywhere Belt Bag and AG1 Welcome Kit, with your first subscription, while supplies last with your lululemon membership. https://drinklmnt.com/whoa — Get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

I Was Slipping. Fasting Was the Answer | Sadie Robertson Huff & Jenn Johnson

Wed, 19 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Jenn Johnson is a self-described "girl's girl" who embodies such joy and, as Sadie says, is one of the most fun people to be around! Where does all her joy come from? Knowing and loving the Lord — as she's done all her life. Jenn talks about Bethel Music's latest album, "We Must Respond," where the title came from, and what the songs mean to her. For Jenn, she loves writing as a collaboration and why it's often when some of the most impactful songs are written — with others! Sadie and Jenn both share how the fear of what others think has made a mark on them, and how they're striving to make God's approval the only thing that matters. You can listen to/purchase Bethel Music's new album, "We Must Respond" now! This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — New subscribers get a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box! https://liberty.edu/Sadie — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Finding Out We're Pregnant with Baby Number 3! | Sadie Robertson Huff | Korie Robertson & 2Mama

Mon, 17 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie is joined by Korie and 2Mama to talk about the big surprise news from the Huff fam. Then Sadie poses some questions to her mom and grandmother for some wisdom and advice on their marriages: when did they first fall in love with their husbands? Do they have any "ick" moments with their spouses? And how important - really - is God in a marriage? This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://sadiepens.com — Stock up on Mr. Pen Bible journaling supplies today! https://hiyahealth.com/WHOA — Get 50% off your first order today! https://gominno.com — Get your first month FREE when you use code WHOA at sign up. Take advantage of this web-only exclusive offer today! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Losing My Voice Led Me to One of the Greatest Moments of My Life | Sadie, Christian, Phil Wickham & Kristian Stanfill

Wed, 12 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Phil Wickham and Kristian Stanfill drop into the WTG studio to chat with Sadie and Christian on their Singalong Tour stop in Monroe, LA. Phil shares the most surprising way "This Is Amazing Grace" came to be and he has encouragement for anyone struggling with "Is he the one?" questions. Kristian talks about his start in leading worship. Phil talks about a heavenly moment he had with God and what changed for him as a result. Sadie and Christian ask them about moments of doubt they've had leading and singing on-stage and Phil and Kristian both talk about how they stay accountable with confessing and speaking out the stuff that's a struggle for them. Get your tickets for the Singalong Tour at a venue near you!  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://www.12vc.com/sister — Join the 12 Verse Challenge and help fund 12 Verses of Scripture a year for people who have little to no access to Scripture! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — New subscribers get a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box! https://covenanteyes.com/sadie — Try Victory today and start your journey toward a healthier, stronger marriage. - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

How to Defeat the Villain In Your Story | Sadie Robertson Huff & Jonathan 'JP' Pokluda

Wed, 05 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Jonathan "JP" Pokluda joins Sadie to get frank about demonic forces and spiritual warfare that we've all gotten a bit too "comfortable" with in our lives. There IS a supernatural force against you and we'll only defeat him with God's help. JP asks us all to consider where we've been desensitized and given the devil a foothold in our lives. Where is YOUR compromise with evil? And then how we can be set free from the compromises. You won't want to miss any part of this conversation! JP's new book, "Your Story Has a Villain: Identify Spiritual Warfare and Learn to Defeat the Enemy" is available now!  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://drinklmnt.com/whoa — Get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase! https://helixsleep.com/sadie — Get 20% off sitewide AND 2 free Dream Pillows with your mattress purchase! https://navage.com/whoababy — Order the new Naväge Baby Aspirator and Inhaler today! You can now find Naväge Baby at Walmart or at Walmart.com - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Let's Talk About Anxiety | Sadie, Christian & Freddie

Mon, 03 Feb 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie and Christian are joined by LO Counselor, Freddie Amos, to talk about anxiety. They each share their "pulse check" on how they're navigating anxiety right now and then they begin answering questions related to anxiety: is it sinful, how to stop the spiral, working through anxiety as a couple, mom anxiety, and how to really and truly believe what the Scriptures say about anxiety. Freddie encourages us to take ownership of the things in our life that are causing us to feel anxious. And Sadie shares her childhood struggles with anxiety and how it's evolved, changed, and even decreased in her life lately — but it took work and faith!  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored by: https://gominno.com — Get your first month FREE when you use code WHOA at sign up. Take advantage of this web-only exclusive offer today! Exclusive $20-off Carver Mat frame at http://AuraFrames.com. Use code WHOA at checkout to save! https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

I Refused to Kneel During the National Anthem & I Have No Regrets | Sadie, Christian, & Jonathan Isaac

Wed, 29 Jan 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Jonathan Isaac isn't here to call out anyone for having strong beliefs, but when his NBA Orlando Magic teammates wanted to kneel during the national anthem, Jonathan knew he couldn't. He explains to Sadie and Christian why he literally took a stand and what the days and weeks were like after, how he was able to keep relationships on his team while playing together, and if he has any regrets. Jonathan shares about his childhood when his family moved from the Bronx to Naples, FL, and his struggles with identity — and eventually crippling anxiety — and how he's learned to manage it with God's help. This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://drinkag1.com/whoa — New subscribers get a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box! https://sadiepens.com — Stock up on Mr. Pen Bible journaling supplies today! https://www.drinklmnt.com/whoa — Try the new LMNT Hot AND get your FREE LMNT Sample Pack with any LMNT purchase! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Our NEW Family Show! Duck Dynasty: The Revival Is Coming to A&E

Wed, 22 Jan 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie and her parents, husband, siblings, and sisters- and brothers-in-law drop the biggest announcement of the year: The next generation of Duck Dynasty is coming back to TV! John Luke is excited to spend even more time with the large and growing Robertson family, and Bella is ready with a list of Korie and Willie’s quirks that she can’t wait to share. Christian and Jacob look forward to squaring off with their bromantic rivalry, Will is going to be spending lots of time on the road, and Rebecca is voted the new Uncle Si. This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://liberty.edu/Sadie — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! https://www.drinklmnt.com/whoa — Try the new LMNT Hot AND get your FREE LMNT Sample Pack with any LMNT purchase! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — New subscribers get a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Wait for the Man Who Loves & Accepts You Regardless of Your Past | Sadie Robertson Huff | Mack & Meredith Brock

Wed, 15 Jan 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie is delighted to welcome the Brocks to the podcast for the first time! Mack and Meredith Brock couldn't have had more opposite childhoods: Mack was raised in a southern, stable, and loving Christian household while Meredith grew up in an unstable environment with poverty, broken parents, and violence. Meredith tells Sadie that it wasn't until a couple invited her to live with them that she saw what a healthy, loving marriage looked like and she learned important life skills too. So when Mack began pursuing her, instead of running the other way, she found real and accepting love. But a good marriage takes work, continually asking what the other needs and how you can serve them! Then Mack and Meredith share about being foster parents, Mack's music career, and Meredith's work with Proverbs 31 ministries.  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://hiyahealth.com/WHOA — Get 50% off your first order today! https://navage.com/whoababy — Rely on Naväge Baby this winter. Order the new Naväge Baby Aspirator and Inhaler today! https://www.12vc.com/sister — Join the 12 Verse Challenge and help fund 12 Verses of Scripture a year for people who have little to no access to Scripture! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

How to Tell the Truth with Kindness & Love | Sadie, Christian & Preston Perry

Wed, 08 Jan 2025 06:00:00 -0000
Preston Perry joins Sadie and Christian for an in-depth conversation on evangelism and sharing the Gospel with others. Preston is a poet, evangelist, and author, and he hosts a podcast with his wife, Jackie Hill Perry. Preston describes when he first realized he was a poet. Sadie asks how we can be bold but loving when sharing the Gospel. Preston says we all need to get over the "savior" complex and trying to be the "Holy Spirit" in any evangelism conversations — but what about the importance of simply planting seeds and not seeing the end result? God made us all different and will use us all differently! Don't miss any of this uplifting, encouraging conversation! Get your copy of Preston's "How to Tell the Truth: The Story of How God Saved Me to Win Hearts — Not Just Arguments" today!  https://helixsleep.com/sadie — Get 25% off sitewide AND 2 free Dream Pillows with your mattress purchase! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — New subscribers get a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box! http://www.dreamlandbabyco.com — Get 20% off sitewide and free shipping when you enter my code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Deleting My IG Made Me Realize I Had a Big Insecurity | Sadie Robertson Huff

Wed, 18 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie is joined by Christian, Bella, and John Luke to remember the past year: best movie, best song, best book, and best pieces of advice on the podcast. Sadie shares how she hadn't realized how much of her identity was tied up in her Instagram account — until she decided to delete it! This leads to them all sharing about how their identity can so easily get tied up into what they do or how others view them — but if it's not rooted in Christ, it will always be an issue. John Luke tries to get Sadie and Christian to read his favorite books. And Bella's favorite book and movie might surprise you! This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://www.helixsleep.com/sadie — Get 20% off + 2 FREE pillows with any mattress purchase! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Save $20 off your subscription OR $49 off when you sign up for a double subscription, plus a free Welcome Kit, bottle of D3K2, and 5 free travel packs! https://everylife.com — Get 10% off your first order when you use promo code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

You Don't Have to Compare Your Reality to a 15-sec Social Media Clip | Sadie, Rebecca, Freddie & Mya

Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0000
Sad-crying to laugh-crying, fears about the future, mom guilt and diaper blowouts — Sadie, Rebecca Robertson Loflin, Freddie Amos, and Mya Ramirez are back to answer more of YOUR questions about motherhood. Since their last episode, Rebecca and Mya have both given birth and share updates about their adorable babies. Rebecca has a very REAL story to share that started with a diaper blowout and escalated quick! She's laughing about it now, but 24 hours earlier she wasn't (and haven't we all been there?! Plus, Mya shares encouragement for any mom out there struggling with breastfeeding. And Freddie has some great sleep training advice (if that's your thing!). This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored by: Exclusive $35-off Carver Mat at http://AuraFrames.com . Use code WHOA at checkout to save! https://storyworth.com/whoa — Get $10 off on your first purchase today! https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

We Want to Help People Laugh Daily — and Love Jesus! | Sadie Robertson Huff & JStu

Wed, 11 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie is delighted to meet Justin Stuart and Andrew Scites - otherwise known as JStu - to hear about their massively successful YouTube channel, the craziest situations they've ever found themselves in while filming, and why their main mission is to bring joy and laughter to people every day. Justin and Andrew can't believe they've been working together for 13+ years and tell Sadie they can't talk about success without talking about God! They remember their first viral video that started it all, how their priorities had to change when they each got married and started their families, the importance of work life balance, but also to NEVER take themselves too seriously. And why did they want to write a devotional for tweens and teens, ages 10+? Get your copy of "The JStu Survival Guide: 100 Days to Conquer Your Fears, Shatter Your Limits, and Build Your Faith" wherever books are sold!  This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored by: https://liberty.edu/Sadie — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! Exclusive $35-off Carver Mat at http://AuraFrames.com . Use code WHOA at checkout to save! https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Save $20 off your subscription OR $49 off when you sign up for a double subscription, plus a free Welcome Kit, bottle of D3K2, and 5 free travel packs! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

How to Reverse Self-Loathing & Hatred — One Step at a Time | Sadie Robertson Huff & Louie Giglio

Wed, 04 Dec 2024 06:00:00 -0000
Sadie and Louie Giglio are taking questions, dropping some incredible wisdom, and looking forward to Passion 2025 in today's episode! Louie has some direct answers to audience questions about being worthy of God's love, how to get - and stay - excited about being in the Word and the things of the Lord in heavier times and dry seasons, and why we all need to stop arguing with God and start agreeing with Him! And Louie shares a straightforward way to stop the loop of self-hatred and loathing - one day at a time! Get your copy of Louie's devotional, "Grace and Glory" anywhere books are sold! This Episode of WHOA That's Good is Sponsored By: https://drinkag1.com/whoa — Save $20 off your subscription OR $49 off when you sign up for a double subscription, plus a free Welcome Kit, bottle of D3K2, and 5 free travel packs! https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! https://www.12vc.com/sister — Commit to the 12 Verse Challenge and help fund 12 Verses of Scripture a year for people who have little to no access to Scripture! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices