From the dawn of time, man has questioned his purpose, where he came from, and where he is going, and this singular quest into his destiny has propelled him forward into that unknown. In his plunge into the darkness of destiny, a light has emerged that has given him pause to consider his origin. The light that he is now catching is also being reflected to others as the illumination of the Bible offers him a glimmer of hope into the God of the universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who boasts in Job 38, “ Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding” or Where is the way where light dwelleth? And as for darkness, where is the place thereof?” The Bible lends itself to answering many questions about the world that we live in and then of the world to come, and it also answers how a man can build a working relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with little effort. Revelation Unveiled: The Untold Story is a foray into the book of Revelation, asking the question, can we study the bible through the book of Revelation? The book of Revelation is the expressed unveiling of the word of Jesus Christ through John the Divine as Jesus paints a vivid picture of his eventual return to gather his people unto him and the Father. Join me each week as we explore what thus sayeth the Lord in our study of Revelation Unveiled: an Untold Story.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 18:04:12 +0000

 We have finally concluded our study in the Book of Revelation, allowing scripture to interpret scripture, and it is my fervent prayer that through this course of study, some enlightenment might have been shared. Our reach has extended to Germany, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica, France, Ghana, Indonesia, South Africa, Nova Scotia, and the United States.   It has been another grand opportunity for me to share the word of God and exercise my gift to countless others, of whom I may not have had the occasion except through the Podcast.  This study in the book of Revelation is best studied chapter by chapter as each succeeding chapter has a history in the latter chapters.  To further enhance your study, I suggest that you review the scriptures that have been submitted for your consideration so that you might see the broader picture of how all scripture interfolds into one phenomenal masterpiece designed by God.  Please look forward to our next adventure as I share readings from my book, “Chained In Darkness, Anthology.  I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your patience and dedication as this work unfolds. I pray for God’s strength for every one of you.  May the God of our salvation continue to keep you in perfect peace. 


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:59:28 +0000

In this awe-inspiring episode, we delve into Revelation Chapter 21 and the grand vision of the New Jerusalem. At the break of dawn, Elohim and His heavenly hosts embarked on the magnificent creation of the heavens and the earth, a masterpiece that even God deemed good. The firmament, the sky, and the first rains set the stage for God's greatest creation, Man, and his role as steward of the earth.

King David's reflections in Psalms 8 raise profound questions about humanity's place in God's vast universe. The episode further explores the rebellion led by Lucifer, the celestial conflict, and the consequences for the rebellious beings. We follow the narrative of man's trials, the influence of the Nephilim, and God's judgment through the flood, as He instructed Noah to build an ark to save humanity.

As we transition to Revelation 21, the prophecy of the New Jerusalem unfolds. A new heaven and a new earth replace the old, and the holy city descends from above, adorned like a bride for her husband. The vision promises a future without pain, sorrow, or death, where God Himself dwells among men. The episode offers a detailed description of the New Jerusalem, its foundations, gates, and the glory of God illuminating the city.

Listeners are taken on a journey through the promises of God to Israel, the eternal excellence of the new creation, and the defeat of evil. The holy city's grandeur, with its walls of jasper and streets of pure gold, reflects God's magnificent power and mercy. The episode concludes with a reflection on the eternal happiness promised to those who believe in Jesus and the final exclusion of all that is evil from the New Jerusalem.

Join us as we explore the final chapter of Revelation and look forward to sharing more readings in the coming weeks. May the Lord bless you and keep you, making His face shine upon you and giving you peace.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:58:12 +0000

In this episode, we delve into Revelation 20, exploring the profound scenes where an angel descends from heaven to bind Satan for a thousand years. This act of divine authority over evil provides a deep sense of security and reassurance of the ultimate victory that awaits believers.

We also discuss the significance of Christ's empowerment of his disciples and the role of celestial beings in the spiritual battle. This episode emphasizes the importance of faith and courage in the face of spiritual challenges.

Moreover, we examine the vision of thrones and the first resurrection, highlighting the blessed state of those who will reign with Christ during the millennium. The fate of the wicked and the ultimate judgment at the great white throne is also explored, urging listeners to reflect on their eternal destiny.

Join us as we uncover the intricate details of God's perfect and just plan, the millennial kingdom, and the final victory over evil, providing hope and confidence in the divine promise of eternal life.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:53:00 +0000

In this episode, we delve into the profound and prophetic visions of Revelation 19, where the Apostle John describes the triumphant return of Christ. A great multitude in heaven praises God for His righteous judgments and the defeat of evil. This chapter highlights the ultimate victory over Babylon, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the final battle against the forces of darkness.

Explore the significance of the penultimate events leading to Christ's second coming, the restoration of all things, and the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises. Witness the majestic imagery of Christ on a white horse, leading the heavenly armies, and the fate of the beast and false prophet as they are cast into the lake of fire.

This episode provides a powerful reminder of the hope and glory that await the faithful, encouraging believers to remain steadfast and vigilant as we await the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:51:56 +0000

In this episode, we delve into the profound and prophetic messages from Revelation 18, Isaiah, Ezra, and Jeremiah, exploring the downfall and potential resurrection of Babylon. The episode begins with a powerful angelic declaration of Babylon's fall, signifying divine judgment and condemnation. Babylon, once a city of grandeur, becomes a den of evil spirits and unclean entities.

We trace God's historical judgments and praises, highlighting the pivotal role of Cyrus the Great in fulfilling prophecy and the redemption of Israel. Through various scriptural readings, we understand the significance of Babylon's fall in the context of Israel's history and its eventual reappearance during the Great Tribulation, influencing global social, political, economic, and religious orders.

The episode emphasizes the importance of obedience to God, the consequences of idolatry, and the need for genuine faith. It also discusses the role of modern religious leaders and the responsibility of the church to minister to the needs of the people. Join us as we explore these timeless truths and their relevance to our present and future.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:50:36 +0000

In this episode, we delve into the prophetic visions of Revelation 17 and the timeless narratives of Genesis. Witness the unveiling of the "great whore" of Babylon, a symbol of idolatry and corruption, as described by the angel who guided John. This episode also revisits the creation story, the fall of man, and the tale of Cain and Abel, illustrating humanity's descent from paradise to pandemonium.

Explore the rise of false religious systems, the seduction of nations, and the eventual judgment upon Babylon. Learn about the intertwining destinies of divine and demonic forces and the ultimate triumph of the Lamb over the beast. Through historical and biblical analysis, we uncover the spiritual significance of Babylon and its impact on the world, both past and present.

Join us as we reflect on the lessons of faith, obedience, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. This episode provides a profound understanding of biblical prophecy and its relevance to our lives today.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:48:33 +0000

In this riveting episode, we delve into the profound and dramatic events described in Revelation Chapter 16. The episode begins with a powerful voice from within the temple, commanding the seven angels to pour out the vials of God's wrath upon the earth. This marks a pivotal moment in the unfolding divine judgment.

The first vial brings grievous sores upon those who bear the mark of the beast, leading to unbearable agony. The second and third vials turn the seas and rivers into blood, killing all life within them. The fourth vial intensifies the sun's heat, scorching the earth and causing immense suffering, yet men refuse to repent and continue to blaspheme God.

The fifth vial brings darkness upon the kingdom of the beast, increasing the torment of its inhabitants. The sixth vial dries up the Euphrates River, preparing the way for the kings of the east and the battle of Armageddon. Three unclean spirits, resembling frogs, emerge from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, performing miracles to gather the world's kings for this great battle.

The seventh and final vial is poured into the air, resulting in a voice from heaven declaring, "It is done." This is followed by voices, thunders, flashes of lightning, and the most massive earthquake ever experienced, causing widespread destruction. Great hailstones, each weighing about 70 pounds, fall upon men, who continue to blaspheme God despite the plagues.

Throughout the episode, we are reminded of the importance of repentance and the dire consequences of ignoring God's commandments. The episode concludes with a message of hope, emphasizing the need for faith and the promise of salvation for those who call upon the name of the Lord.

Episode 15: IT'S GOING TO RAIN!

Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:47:18 +0000

In this riveting episode, we delve into Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation, where John the Apostle witnesses a grand and terrifying vision in heaven. Seven angels, each bearing the seven last plagues, stand as a testament to God's impending wrath upon the earth.

The episode explores the profound numerical symbolism that permeates the book, emphasizing God's divine precision as the master mathematician. This symbolism extends from the seven churches of Asia Minor to the seven trumpets, each instance inviting us to seek a deeper understanding of the divine mysteries.

We reflect on the continuous line of communication God has maintained with humanity, from the prophets to His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. The episode warns of the consequences of sin and the impending judgment, urging repentance as the only path to salvation.

As the seven angels prepare to unleash the final plagues, we are reminded of the days of Noah and the parallels to our current times. The episode concludes with a vivid depiction of the temple filled with the glory of God, emphasizing that divine judgment is imminent and urging us to align ourselves with God's will.

Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of Revelation 15, where the celestial and the earthly intersect in a powerful message of divine justice and redemption.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:46:00 +0000

In this enlightening episode, we explore Revelation Chapter 14, beginning with the vision of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion alongside the 144,000 chosen ones. We revisit the significance of these 144,000 members selected from the 12 tribes of Israel, exploring their purity and spiritual dedication to God.

We discuss the exclusion of the tribe of Dan and its possible connections to biblical prophecies. The episode also highlights the role of the Lamb, representing Christ, and the symbolism of Mount Zion as God's dwelling place. The 144,000 are depicted as spiritually pure, having a unique relationship with God, and being the first fruits unto Him.

We further explore the proclamations of three angels: the first announcing the everlasting gospel, the second declaring the fall of Babylon, and the third warning of the consequences of worshipping the beast. The episode concludes with a powerful depiction of the final judgment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining faith and obedience to God.

Join us as we uncover the profound messages and spiritual insights within Revelation 14, urging believers to seek God and uphold His commandments.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:44:44 +0000

In this engrossing study, delve deep into the cryptic verses of Revelations 13, uncovering their profound meanings and prophetic implications. Experience a powerful vision of a magnificent image, explore its fascinating symbolism, and witness its shocking impact on the world. Understand the prophecy of kingdoms as revealed through the book of Daniel in correlation with the revelations in Revelations 13.

Embark on a prophetic journey with us that traverses from the revealing dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the inevitable downfall of Babylon, to the vivid imagery of the apocalypse; the dragon, the Antichrist, and the prophet of deceit. Highlighting their audacious agenda to deceive humanity, while imitating the sacred, this episode provides a comprehensive look into the grim figures behind these eminent biblical texts.

We go beyond mere interpretation, shedding light on the significance of numbers in biblical texts, particularly the formidable '666', and its connection to the Antichrist and humanity's downfall. Witness a compelling comparison of past world events, scrutinizing recognizable patterns that potentially set the stage for the ascent of these dark forces today.

Amid these stark revelations, discover the precious promise of divine wisdom and peace, gracefully emphasizing the ground of hope and grace for avid truth seekers in these challenging times. This eye-opening exploration of ancient scriptures unveils the trajectory of the world, equipping you with a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy and its undeniable influence on the course of civilization.


Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:39:45 +0000

The Golden Menorah in Jerusalem (from Dr. Barnes Collection)In this compelling episode, we delve into the intricate symbolism in Revelation 12:1, using Joseph's prophetic dreams, as conveyed in Genesis, as a reference point. We explore the divine origin of dreams, their profundity, and their role as conveyors of messages from God. We uncover the symbolic language in the Old Testament and uncover fascinating parallels between Joseph's dreams and the narrative in Revelation.

We also explore God's plans as communicated through the ethereal channels of dreams and revelations according to Joel 2 and delve into the awe-inspiring imagery depicted in Revelation 12:1. We discern the depth of meaning behind the symbolic woman in Revelation, her connection to Israel, and the significance of the moon at her feet.

The story of the Great Red Dragon in Revelation is also elucidated, and light is shed on this figure's true identity. By connecting to prophetic scriptures in Luke and Isaiah, we reveal Satan's participation in the celestial rebellion and his current standing in the divine court.

From Joseph's prophetic dreams to the final victory in Revelation, this episode vividly paints a picture of the spiritual journey through biblical history. Witness the Lord's protection of Jacob, the fall of the disobedient sons of God, and the downfall of Lucifer, the great dragon. As Satan's kingdom awaits doomsday on earth, God's ultimate victory is highlighted, celebrating the redeeming power of the blood of the lamb and God's mercy.

This episode inspires faith and resilience against adversity and reminds us of God's unchanging promise of redemption for the faithful, tracing the thread from Genesis to Revelations. Embark on this fascinating exploration of biblical texts and find solace and motivation to steadfastly hold onto faith. After all, if God is on our side, who can be against us?


Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:50:04 +0000

Explore divine wisdom in our latest episode, "The Spiritual Bankruptcy in the Church of Laodicea." This episode provides a profound examination of God's critique of the spiritual well-being of the Church of Laodicea, conveyed through the sincere and accurate representation of Jehovah God. It commences with examining the enticing charm of material prosperity, the perils of fostering lukewarm faith, and warnings against the deceptive assurance of spiritual satisfaction arising from worldly possessions. The episode illuminates how significant biblical figures and scriptures illustrate the spiritual risks connected to wealth. It challenges listeners with a pertinent question, "Is this how the first-century churches utilized their resources to assist their communities?" calling for introspection on the prevalent philosophy of affluence within religious establishments.

Delve into the rich young ruler's story, an illuminating narrative about the constant battle between earthly attachments and spiritual commitment. Further, the discussion unfolds the concept of money as a symbol of control, power, and presumed happiness, effectively dispelling these illusions and affirming that true happiness is unlinked to monetary wealth.

The conversation culminates with an appeal to prioritize relationships with God and fellow humans. This episode is a captivating discourse on wealth, faith, and community-related responsibilities, providing profound spiritual insight into the core nature of humanity.

Expand your understanding of nurturing earth-bound faith relationships as a reflection of our celestial fellowship. This episode scrutinizes how some celestial beings resisted the Luciferian rebellion, opting instead for love and loyalty toward Jehovah God. It also points out how we should elevate ourselves above worldly desires and materialistic pursuits for a successful spiritual journey.

Explore the teachings of The Bible regarding humanity's origin and destiny, evaluating our spiritual roles and responsibilities. Jesus Christ, our supreme guide, extends His counseling to us, beckoning us back onto our divine path whenever we stray due to self-will. Discover God's relentless love and guidance toward us.

This episode, about the church at Laodecia, discusses how wealth and material comforts can desensitize our spiritual consciousness, emphasizing the need for our renewed commitment. Be inspired to present your bodies as living sacrifices according to God's word.

Garner insights from The Bible on the significance of our spiritual journey and explains how Jesus Christ is the answer to our spiritual queries. This episode highlights the need for churches to remain on fire for the Lord, teaching that true wealth resides in our spiritual evolution rather than material comforts.

In conclusion, uncover ways to adopt Jesus's counsel, overcome our spiritual flaws, and earn our place in His Kingdom. Are you ready to heed His call, open your heart's door, and let Him guide you towards the light?


Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:48:16 +0000

Join us as we journey through the inspiring faith journey of, one, Pastor Bobby Hicks of New Home Baptist Church. Experience this charismatic ministry, where Baptist principles merge with a 'Pentecostal experience,' creating a vibrant melting pot of spirituality. Engross yourself in the awe-inspiring moments where a gift of prophecy unfolds before the church congregation, leading to reconciliation and imbuing hope.

Feel the warmth of his teachings as he emphasizes the power of love, echoing Rabbi Apostle Paul's words in the Book of Corinthians. Follow him as he extends his influence beyond his local congregation, touching numerous lives in a rural community church in Culpeper, Virginia, proving that love transcends all barriers.

Witness incredible instances of others reaching out to the needy within a church community, strengthening the Christian brotherhood, and personifying the true spirit of charity. Unearth a profound reflection on Jesus Christ's commendation of the church at Philadelphia, providing valuable insight into maintaining faith amidst trials.

Standing Firm in Faith: Navigating Life's Trials with Christian Resilience

Embark on a spiritual quest as we delve deep into a powerful narrative that addresses the challenges faced by Christians today. Take a deep dive into scripture, exploring Jesus' teachings and the courage he imparts to his disciples in the face of trials, tribulation, and evil. Let the significance of faith resonate with you as we explore the dire consequences of denying Jesus and the call to resist worldly temptations.

Discover Jesus' role as our high priest, opening gates of redemption and setting the standard for faithful living. Learn about the Church's critical mandate, how our actions impact our standing before God, and our duty to serve others echoed in Jesus' ministry.

End your journey with a memorable exhortation to hold onto faith amid life's challenges, drawing solace from the promise of deliverance for the faithful. Let the compelling words of Ecclesiastes remind you of your obligation to navigate life's trials with faith and perseverance.


Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:47:00 +0000

In this profound teaching titled "Sardis; A Church on Life Support,  a Battle Between Spiritual Ignorance and Divine Revelation," we explore the spiritual journey from ignorance to divine enlightenment. Highlighting the struggles of the Church of Sardis, we bring to light the struggles many face in recognizing the existence of God and His more fantastic realm. We explore the teachings of  Rabbi Apostle Paul and delve into the parallel universe that plays a crucial role in our lives but is invisible to our earthly perception.

The teaching takes a deep dive into the state of decline portrayed by the first-century Church, symbolizing disobedience and idolatrous worship. Despite these risks, hope and salvation resonate throughout the teachings, depicting God's infinite mercy capable of guiding humanity back to Him. However, this path isn't devoid of suffering and self-realization.

Moving from ignorance to enlightenment, we emphasize how God's words can serve as a guiding compass. Balancing this optimism, the teaching addresses the grim reality of apostasy and the peril of losing faith amidst worldly temptations. Highlighting the importance of balance in our spiritual journey, we cite examples such as Martin Luther of the mid-1500s and Dr. Martin Luther King.

The discussion takes an intriguing turn with a look at the intersection of science, technology, and spirituality. We explore the implications of the Large Hadron Collider project intending to alter dimensions and discuss stories of Mr. Geordie Rose's ambitious endeavor to harness resources from a parallel dimension. A contrast is drawn to the first-century Church's teaching of shared resources, leading to an insightful examination of contemporary Church practices.

This enlightening teaching concludes with an understanding of the modern challenges faced by the Church, drawing parallels with the Church of Sardis. The teachings emphasize the essential remembrance and embodiment of Jesus Christ's inclusive teachings, preventing the dilution of our spirit. Join us as we navigate this enlightening spiritual journey.


Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:45:53 +0000

In this episode, travel through the intricate tapestry of the first-century church, charting its origins, formative doctrines, and the transformation of the faithful. The discussion delves into spiritual influences, with key figures like Rabbi Apostle Paul and Rabbi Gamaliel. The contrast between the emergent Christian lifestyle and the worldly system as well as the underlying principles of the early church's communal responsibility are expertly explored.

Experience a deep analysis of the teachings and revelations that brought salvation, and the role of the divine in battling worldly fears, doubts, and oppression. The power of revelations, repentance, and the Holy Spirit are highlighted in this captivating journey through the annals of spiritual history.

Unearth the biblical narratives surrounding the church of Thyatira, the prophetess Jezebel, and King Ahab. The discourse unveils the peril of following false prophets and stresses the importance of discerning God's word. The narrative expands to encompass the spirit of idolatrous Queen Jezebel, her influence, and the resulting spiritual decay.

Engaging tales from biblical history, such as King Ahab's apostasy and the divine courtroom drama surrounding his fate, paint a vivid picture of the battle between good and evil. Hear more about the church's resistance to false doctrines, ensuring its role as a refuge for the faithful. Reflections on scriptures from Genesis to John help to explore spirituality and mankind's potential for a godlike mindset.

The episode culminates in the celebration of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit. It emphasizes the modern church's responsibility to shine light amidst chaos, and the prophetic warnings concerning fallen celestial beings. Finally, it closes with a profound exploration of God's boundless grace and a heartfelt wish for peace and divine favor upon all listeners.